Sorry about the lack of updates, I have been pretty busy working on my house and stuff. Speaking of witch, check out my roommates blog on us fixing up our house . Not much content now, but it will be dope.
Ok so back to the story. The other day, our Verizon rep came in and gave us a bunch of stuff to celebrate the 4G LTE launch. One of the things she brought in was this
we call it the boomafrisbe |
So naturally, since our store was slow, we started throwing them at each other like bosses. So one of my co-workes got way to into the awesomeness and decided that a pair of scissors would be an appropriate weapon for the battel, this was the result.
scissors stuck in the ceiling |
Now that was really epic. That was the first throw by the way. So then it kind of calmed down and we stopped throwing the boomafrisbes around when after awhile, I see my other co-worker working on something in the corner of the room. Apparently, he decided that scissors weren't badass enough so he created a razor blade-boomafrisbe abomination.
If you cant tell, those are razor blades, poorly taped to the boomafrisbe.
All I have to say is, your welcome ninjas.